Day 8: God is Faithful

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Day 8: God is Faithful

"…if we are faithless, he remains faithful ­– for he cannot deny himself." - 2 Timothy 2:13

In the Old Testament, we see God establishes covenants with his people – Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David. Throughout the Old Testament, there were multiple times when God's people feared that He would not keep His promises. They wondered when he would deliver them, when they would see the promised land, and when the Messiah would come. As many times as they lost faith in the Lord, He never once wavered. He kept all of His promises.

In the New Testament, we see all of these things were brought to completion in Jesus Christ. Because of His sacrifice on the cross, we are delivered from our slavery to sin into freedom in Christ. We have an eternal resting place in heaven where all things will be made new. And we have a Messiah who gave us a restored relationship with God.

It's easy to be blinded by our circumstances and unable to see God at work. We forget what He has done for us and that He is always working for us. We direct our gaze to another person, our finances, or some temporary satisfaction to distract us from our hurting. The best antidote to our own faithlessness is to remember God's faithfulness. Remember all the He has done for you.

As a Church, we must help each other to remember God's faithfulness as well. You need people reminding you of God's faithfulness, and you need to be helping others to remember as well. God has proven His faithfulness time and time again throughout the entirety of Scripture. We can trust Him to be faithful today and tomorrow and forever.


Father God, please forgive me for being unfaithful to you. My heart is prone to wander. Help me to fix my eyes on You and You alone. Help me to choose Your way instead of my own. Help me to trust You with all of my fears, worries, doubts, and so much more. Holy Spirit, help me to remember your promises and your faithfulness. Intercede for me when I cannot remember on my own. Thank you for your faithfulness to me. Amen.

Alyssa Poole