First Name
Last Name
How long have you lived in the area, where are you from originally, where do you work?
How did you find out about TCC?
• Web Search
• Social Media
• TCC Website
• Friend
• Invite Card
• TCC Community Event
• Other
Upon first visiting, what caused you to return to TCC?
Tell us about your conversion.
Describe your relationship with Lord in the last six months?
How can we encourage & help you as you seek to help your children know and follow Jesus?
Have you been baptized by immersion after your conversion to Christ?
If not, are you willing to be baptized?
Have questions
What was the last church where you attended? Were you a member? If so, are you still an official member?
Are you currently, or have you ever been, under any level of church discipline at any church? If so, please explain the situation. Has this issue been fully resolved?
Have you read TCC’s Statement of Faith and Covenant?
If so, do you believe and embrace this Statement of Faith and the TCC Church Covenant?
I do
I do not
Do you have questions about either or anything with which you disagree?
Are there any concerns or questions you have about the current ministry of TCC? Given the opportunity, what would you change about TCC? We are confident that your feedback here will help us develop into a more healthy church:
Do you agree to submit to the leadership of TCC in spite of these concerns?
Are you attending a small group?
If so, which small group are you currently attending? How would you describe your level of consistency and participation?
If not, are you interested in getting connect to one or have faced any challenged in finding one?
Do you currently serve on a ministry team? If so, which one?
If you are not currently serving on a team, where would you be interested in serving?
Set up/Tear Down Team
Production (A/V)
How would you describe your rhythm of generosity and giving to the local church?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Or are there any charges currently pending?
If yes, please describe or explain:
Is there anything else, that you would like the elders to know or you would like to talk about?
When are you available to possibly meet for a conversation with an Elder? Please identify a few dates and times that may work for you.