On Sunday, Pastor Mike preached on Psalm 2, showing us that blessed are all those who surrender to Christ the King. In this psalm, we see that God is sovereign…
Read MoreOn Sunday, Benjamin preached on Psalm 25. In this Psalm, we see that David called upon the Lord for guidance in the midst of his distress. Here…
Read MoreIt’s a common question. Many people have treated God’s will for their lives like a maze they must navigate, hoping not to take a wrong step. In reality…
Read MoreFor all of us, life is unpredictable. We can’t see into the future, and our attempts to plan for what’s ahead sometimes miss the mark. In life, we…
Read MoreThe Bible contains sobering passages. While Scripture never approves of sin, it records historical events that did involve sin. When we read such accounts…
Read MoreWhat do you fear? Most of us can probably think of a few things that tend to cause apprehension — things like heights, spiders, flying, or public speaking. Our most…
Read MoreCan you recall a situation in your life that didn’t go the way you expected? Even our most well-thought-out plans rely on a host of variables outside of our control. Unlike...
Read MoreHave you ever gotten something you really wanted, only to find that it didn’t match your expectations? Sometimes, we get what we want, but end up realizing...
Read MoreHave you ever had an experience that changed the course of your life? This could be a moment you began a meaningful relationship, learned something...
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