What is the Church Supposed to Do? - Acts 2:42-47

On Sunday, Pastor Michael preached on Acts 2:42-47, telling us that God grows the church as it devotes itself to Him, to one another, and to the gospel.

The early church was marked by devotion, including a devotion to gather together. Michael noted that the early church gathered in formal settings and informal ones, in large gatherings and in smaller ones. Believers have been called together in Christ, and we cannot fully understand the church apart from a commitment to gather together. The author of Hebrews warned Christians against neglecting to meet together (see Hebrews 10:24-25). As opportunity permits, this should be an important priority in the life of a believer.

The early church’s commitment to gather together was an expression of their devotion to God. The same can be said regarding their devotion to the apostles’ teaching, to prayer, to the Lord’s Supper, and to praising God. Believers today are to walk in this same pattern. Similar to fellowshipping with other believers, reading Scripture and spending time in prayer play indispensable roles in the life of a believer. We would each do well to consider the postures of our hearts. Do you long for God? Do you desire for Him to be honored in every aspect of your life?

The early Christians’ devotion to God was also revealed in their devotion to one another. They loved one another genuinely and walked in unity as they fellowshipped together. They displayed uncommon generosity, holding their possessions lightly and putting the needs of others above themselves. The church is characterized by sacrificial love for one another, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

We can see in the passage that the Lord grew the early church. He added new believers to their number. Knowing that salvation comes through faith in the gospel, we can trust that the early church was devoted to sharing the good news of Jesus with others. Their unique love for one another was a compelling witness to the world, and they faithfully shared the gospel with people around them. The Lord grew His church. Salvation belongs to Him alone. 

Acts 2:42-47 contains a moving description of the early church. Let’s reflect on the early church’s example and devote ourselves to God, to one another, and to the gospel. 


Reflection Questions:

  • Read Acts 2:42-47. What in this passage encourages or challenges you?

  • How does grace motivate devotion?

  • How can you seek the good of Christians around you?

Listen to the Sermon: