God’s Power on Display Through the Church - Acts 4:23-31

As the gospel goes forth, it meets both receptiveness and resistance. Some who hear it respond in faith and repentance, while others reject the saving message and even persecute its messengers. However, God’s word shines forth even in dark circumstances, and His power is displayed through the faithful witness of His church in the face of persecution.

On Sunday, guest preacher Chris preached on Acts 4:23-31, showing us that God displays His power as His people persevere, pray, and proclaim together.

Earlier in the book of Acts, we see that Jesus ascended to heaven and that the promised Holy Spirit filled the apostles and worked greatly in their midst. The gospel was boldly proclaimed, the church grew greatly, and the members of the church enjoyed close community with one another. After a lame beggar was healed, Peter spoke boldly in Solomon’s Portico, glorifying God and calling people to repentance. Many who heard the word believed. 

After this, Peter and John were arrested and brought before a council that included rulers, elders, scribes, the high priest, and all who were of the high-priestly family. Before this council, Peter continued to speak boldly, and the rulers’ attempts to silence him and John were futile. The apostles refused, saying they could not but speak of what they had seen and heard (see Acts 4:19-20). Knowing that many people praised God for the miracle performed on the lame man, the council sent Peter and John away, unable to punish them.

It is following this event that we find our passage. Peter and John returned to their friends and reported what had been said to them. Together they recalled Psalm 2, which spoke of the rebellion of the peoples against the Lord. They knew Scripture proved true and that the Lord was sovereign over all that happened. The apostles prayed that God would continue to grant to them to speak His word will all boldness, while He healed people and worked wonders through the name of Jesus. The Lord answered their prayer. Verse 31 reads (ESV):

“And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.”

God’s power is displayed as His church perseveres in the face of persecution, seeks Him in prayer, and proclaims with boldness His glorious gospel. Rather than shrink back when our faith is reviled, we must seek our faithful God. He gives strength to press on, and to confidently declare the good news He has entrusted to us.


Reflection Questions:

  • Why is prayer important if we are to persevere when persecuted and proclaim the gospel boldly? 

  • Why is it important that we share the gospel?

  • Who can you share the gospel with this week?