Delight in the Word

Where do you turn when you face adversity? Do you find yourself relying on your own efforts, or clinging tightly to God’s promises? Often times, it’s the challenges of life that test our faith and uncover the idols hiding in our hearts — idols such as comfort, security, and control. How we respond to these challenges shows us whether we are living by fear or by faith.

As Pastor Michael explained, the life of faith is trusting God and His promises in the midst of adversity, failure, and abundance. In Genesis 12:10-13:18, we see two examples of people trusting in themselves, rather than in God. Abram trusted his own wisdom when he pretended Sarai was his sister in an effort to protect his life. Lot trusted in what he could see when he chose the Jordan Valley for its promising appearance. Neither action displayed humble trust in God.

Abram formulated his plan in a time of adversity. A famine had come over the land, and Abram saw it best to sojourn to Egypt. However, he feared that if Pharaoh found Sarai beautiful, he would kill Abram. Rather than trust the promise God made to him, Abram formulated a plan that would protect his life, but endanger his wife.

Despite Abram’s sin, God’s plan was not thwarted. The Lord did not forsake Abram, but delivered him and Sarai out of Egypt. Abram’s failure invited him to turn to God, and Abram repented.

What do you do with your sin? Do you tend to minimize it? Do you justify it or blame others? As Michael shared, Christians are not without sin, but they repent when they sin. Repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change in action, and humble repentance of sin is an ongoing pattern in the life of a believer. Though sorrowful, repentance is a gracious gift from the Lord.

In the passage we also see a contrast between living by sight and living by faith. Lot trusted in what he could see, choosing the land that seemed well watered. Abram, after hearing the Lord speak to him again of the promise He had made him, built an altar to the Lord. Unlike when Abram tried taking matters into his own hands, here Abram trusted in God’s promise.

In Christ, we have all we need. Let’s rest in the promises of the gospel, walk humbly, live generously, and never stop calling on the Lord.


Reflection Questions:

  • How has your faith been tested recently, and how have you responded?

  • How does Christ’s love motivate you to walk by faith?

  • In what area of life do you need to repent?