Hidden Providence - Ruth 1:1-22
This Christmas, our church is going through an Advent series on the book of Ruth titled “Hope for a Weary World.” Have you felt weary or worn out recently? The Christmas season, though full of joy and wonder, tends to fill us with stress and anxiety. At times it can be challenging to slow down in the middle of all of the business and chaos and remember all that God has done and is doing. The book of Ruth helps us to do just that.
The beginning of Ruth reminds us that God is present with us, even when our circumstances cause us to question or doubt Him. Naomi, her two daughters-in-law, Orpah and Naomi, had each experienced a terrible loss. Each of their husbands had tragically died, leaving the three women as widows. Orpah returned to her family after the death of her husband, but Ruth clung to Naomi. It’s easy to wonder, “Where was God in all of this?” Well, throughout the book we find that God visited Naomi and Ruth in the middle of their darkness. He had not abandoned them. Though we can’t see it clearly at the beginning of the book, God was working out all things for their good and His glory.
When we are going through seasons of heartache, loss, and despair, we can easily forget what God has already done for us. Additionally, our pain has a way of blinding us to what God is currently doing in our lives. The book of Ruth serves as an incredible reminder that God is always working out His plans. It shines a ray of hope into our dark situations and reminds us of God’s kindness, grace, and generosity. Though we may not know why we go through times of trial or suffering, we can find hope and confidence in the God who works all things together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy—Mark Vroegop
Weep With Me—Rend Collective (Song)
Light Shining Out of Darkness—William Cowper (Poem)
Reflection Questions:
How have you seen God care for you through trials or sufferings?
Which of God’s attributes or character traits are you most tempted to doubt or question when you’re hurting?
How does Ruth 1 show you that God cares for His children even in difficult circumstances?