7 Days of Prayer for the Coronavirus

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If you’re like me, you’ve been experiencing the unsettling feeling of not knowing what to do and how to help. As a church, we know the best place to begin is to turn towards God in prayer. Prayer is not a strategy for this moment, but an expression of our dependence on God and our confidence in Him to intervene. We need His wisdom for how to respond and how to live on mission in the midst of this crisis. We need His help to address our anxieties and fears. We need His comforting and healing hands to uphold us.

When King Jehosaphat faced an enemy he knew would overwhelm Israel, he turned towards God in prayer. “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you” (2 Chronicles 20:12). This is where we find ourselves today. We can certainly do more than prayer, but we should not be found doing any less than prayer. Let’s turn our eyes to God.

Starting today and continuing until Good Friday, we will be praying for the coronavirus and the different ways it impacts our lives and community. Follow along on Facebook & Instagram for specific prayer requests for each day.


Additionally, I want to call us to join in “A Day to Fast and Pray” hosted by The Gospel Coalition. TGC has provided a helpful resource that can be found here to guide us in morning, midday, and evening prayer. In addition to joining in this focus on prayer, if your circumstances allow, I want to ask you to consider giving something up (food, entertainment, social media, etc…) to focus your hearts on the Lord. To close out the day, TGC will host a Livestream event focused on worship and prayer. Please consider joining in during this time as we express our hunger for God and ask God to move powerfully in and through us during this time of crisis.

Michael Guyer